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If you want to work with Panther in a single-file structure, follow the steps below.


  1. Write your APIs as you like

    from import API
    async def hello_world_api():
        return {'detail': 'Hello World'}
  2. Add your APIs to a dict (example: url_routing)

    from import API
    async def hello_world_api():
        return {'detail': 'Hello World'}
    url_routing = {
        '/': hello_world_api,
    3. Create an app and pass your current module name and urls to it.

    from panther import Panther
    from import API
    async def hello_world_api():
        return {'detail': 'Hello World'}
    url_routing = {
        '/': hello_world_api,
    app = Panther(__name__, configs=__name__, urls=url_routing)
    4. Run the project

    • If name of your file is --> panther run
    • else use uvicorn --> uvicorn file_name:app


  • URLs is a required config unless you pass the urls directly to the Panther
  • When you pass the configs to the Panther(configs=...), Panther is going to load the configs from this file, else it is going to load core/ file
from panther import Panther
from import API

async def hello_world_api():
     return {'detail': 'Hello World'}

url_routing = {
     '/': hello_world_api,

app = Panther(__name__, configs=__name__, urls=url_routing)